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Jeo Taşıma 4.7 Versiyonu Hazır

Geotechnical Report Software

Jeo Tasima 4.9 is Ready

✔️Slope Stability of Foundation Excavations

✔️Defining Multiple Boreholes

✔️Bearing Capacity of Deep Foundations

✔️Liquefaction Analysis using SPT, CPT, and Vs

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Reporting in Compliance with Ministry Standards

The Geo Transport software automatically generates geotechnical reports in compliance with the format prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and saves them in DOCX format.

Click to view the report sample

Tutorial Videos

You can watch the videos containing a detailed explanation of our Jeo Tasima software on our page.

Click to watch the tutorial videos

Retaining Wall Software

Geo Transport is a geotechnical report software that prepares geotechnical reports in accordance with the provisions specified in the Turkish Building Earthquake Regulation (TBDY) and the format prepared by the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization.


User Reviews

User Reviews About Our Geo Transport Software

Jeo Tasima Software Training Video

Jeo Tasima Software Features


Bearing power

Analysis of bearing power can be performed using TBDY, EC7, DIN4017, Meyerhof, Hansen, Vesic, Terzaghi methods, as well as Presiometer, Point Load, Uniaxial Compression, Geophysics, SPT, and CPT techniques.


Settlement Analysis

Instantaneous settlement, consolidation settlement (at the foundation corner and center point), as well as settlement and rotation analysis can be performed using the Schmertmann and Burland & Burbidge methods.


Liquefaction Analysis

Liquefaction analysis can be conducted using the TBDY method to evaluate liquefaction potential, liquefaction risk index, post-liquefaction dynamic settlement, lateral displacement, and loss of shear strength.


Soil Stress Analysis

Soil stress analysis can be performed using the classical 2:1 method, Boussinesq method, and Westergaard method.


Subgrade Modulus Analysis

The subgrade modulus can be calculated using classical subgrade modulus methods, bearing capacity, and correlations based on SPT and geophysical data.


Slope Stability of Foundation Pits

Slope stability of foundation pits can be performed according to the methods of TBDY 2018.


Sliding Control

Horizontal sliding control of shallow foundations can be performed for both short-term and long-term conditions


Horizontal Loads

Static, dynamic, and water-induced horizontal loads on basement walls can be calculated.


Local Soil Class

The local soil class can be determined based on Vs(30), N60(30), and Cu(30) values.


SPT Correlations

Unit weight, Elastic modulus, internal friction angle, cohesion, volumetric compression coefficient, and limit pressure correlations can be performed.


Geophysical Correlations

Soil dominant period, unit weight, internal friction angle, elastic modulus, soil bearing capacity, and many other correlations can be performed.



Swelling analysis, unit converter, calculation of soil physical properties, soil classes library, manual soil classification, ...


3D Model

The modeled soil layers are displayed in 3D on the screen, either transparently or shaded according to the selected soil legend...


Layered Soil

Stratified soil can be defined. The foundation location is automatically determined. Layering is considered based on the performed analyses.


Advanced Report Editor

With the report editor, edits can be made to the report. Texts in the report can be changed, and tables or images can be added to the report.


Parcel Inquiry

With the GeoJSON file obtained from the Parcel Inquiry Application, parcel information, parcel coordinates, and land boundary measurements are automatically read, and additionally, Earthquake Hazard Map parameters (Ss, S1, PGA, and PGV) are approximately obtained.


Screenshot Tool

With the screenshot tool, images captured from the screen can be added to the desired section of the report. The added image is automatically included in the figure list.


Frost Depth Map

From the frost depth screen, frost depth values based on local soil classes for each province can be displayed. Additionally, the Frost Depth Map prepared by the General Directorate of Highways can also be viewed.


Load Combinations

Multiple load combinations (q, qo, Wt, Vte(X), Vte(Y), Mx, My) originating from the structure can be applied to the model.


Soil Improvement Methods

One or more of the 20 soil improvement methods available on the soil improvement screen, accessible from the report options, can be selected and added to the relevant section of the report.


Excavation Safety of Foundation Pits

One or more of the 13 excavation, slope, shoring, and retaining wall methods available on the excavation and shoring screen, accessible from the report options, can be selected and added to the relevant section of the report.


Piezometer Correlations

Undrained cohesion and internal friction angle values can be determined based on the net ultimate bearing pressure.


Earthquake Spectra

The Jeo Taşıma software can automatically generate and export horizontal and vertical earthquake spectra for all local soil classes, including ZF-class soils.


Drilling Depth

Drilling depth calculations can be performed based on foundation width, effective stress, soil stress distribution, and water table level.

Jeo Tasima Software prepared in accordance with the Geotechnical Report Format as an example of a Geotechnical Report.


Jeo Tasima 4.8 Update


Upgrade package from Jeo Taşıma versions 3 and below to version 4.8.

Jeo Tasima


Compliant with TBDY 2018

Report in compliance with the Ministry format

Bearing capacity analysis

Slope stability

Jeo Tasima + Jeo Jet Grout


Package including Jeo Tasima 4.5 Software + Jeo Jet Grout 5.0 Software.

Jeo Tasima 4.8 Update


Upgrade package from Jeo Taşıma versions 3 and below to version 4.8.

Jeo Tasima


Compliant with TBDY 2018

Report in compliance with the Ministry format

Bearing capacity analysis

Slope stability

Jeo Tasima + Jeo Jet Grout


Package including Jeo Tasima 4.5 Software + Jeo Jet Grout 5.0 Software.